

Launch of Pinkcollar's Business Case Study Report: Ethical Recruitment in Malaysia Today

Published on 18 Jul 2024, last updated on 19 Jul 2024

Ethical Recruitment in Malaysia Today: Lessons from Pinkcollar

We’re excited to announce the release of our Business Case Study Report, "Ethical Recruitment in Malaysia Today: Lessons from Pinkcollar” on 18 July 2024.

View our Report

This report shares our journey, challenges, and successes in promoting ethical recruitment practices for migrant domestic workers.

Key Insights

  1. Economics of Labour Migration: Examines market dynamics and financial considerations.
  2. Stakeholder Needs: Investigates the unique challenges faced by migrant workers, employers, and the government.
  3. Pinkcollar’s Ethical Recruitment Model: Details our comprehensive process from recruitment to post-placement support.
  4. Case Studies: Real-life examples illustrating our impact and approach.
  5. Recommendations: Practical advice for migrant workers, employers, and policymakers to improve the recruitment industry.

Our report aims to encourage dialogue and inspire change towards a more ethical recruitment landscape in Malaysia. Join us in making a positive difference. Read the full report here!

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